Monday, September 3, 2007

More on Colony Collapse Disorder

I encourage you to read "Stung", an article in the New Yorker by C. L. Fornari, the Garden Lady, on the issue of Colony Collapse Disorder. Thanks to Kathy Purdy of the website for calling attention to this article. It appears we may be heading towards identifying a pathogen; here is a passage from the article quoted by Ms. Purdy:

Lipkin had just sent off a paper on C.C.D. to a scientific journal. He was reluctant to discuss its contents, for fear of jeopardizing its acceptance, but he did indicate that it contained what he considered to be a breakthrough. One pathogen in particular was, in his words, “highly associated” with C.C.D.
I recommend going to ColdClimateGardening; at first I didn't think that site was something that would draw me in, but it is a well-designed, well-written site with useful, common sense information. I have bookmarked the site and will return again.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Thanks, Duncan. I actually blog on a broad range of gardening topics, but when I whine about the weather, it's very local.