Monday, September 3, 2007

More on Colony Collapse Disorder

I encourage you to read "Stung", an article in the New Yorker by C. L. Fornari, the Garden Lady, on the issue of Colony Collapse Disorder. Thanks to Kathy Purdy of the website for calling attention to this article. It appears we may be heading towards identifying a pathogen; here is a passage from the article quoted by Ms. Purdy:

Lipkin had just sent off a paper on C.C.D. to a scientific journal. He was reluctant to discuss its contents, for fear of jeopardizing its acceptance, but he did indicate that it contained what he considered to be a breakthrough. One pathogen in particular was, in his words, “highly associated” with C.C.D.
I recommend going to ColdClimateGardening; at first I didn't think that site was something that would draw me in, but it is a well-designed, well-written site with useful, common sense information. I have bookmarked the site and will return again.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Colony Collapse Disorder

Starting today, I will begin periodic updates on Colony Collapse Disorder, which is the name given to the mysterious phenomenon that is causing the disappearance of honeybees in sometimes large numbers. As I write this, I am in Spokane, Washington, visiting relatives. I have seen some honeybees, but more of another, darker bee. I grew up in the Yakima Valley, Washington, where honeybees pollenized our apple trees. This is a systemic event if there ever was one. This is just an introductory post, but I will follow up with more. Click on the title of this post to read the most current information from, which is reporting that Science Magazine will be publishing a paper this week on an initial breakthrough in studies of the problem.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

The Craig Affair: Senator "Tappy McWidestance" *

You have to start to feel sorry for this guy. I have reviewed the transcript of the police interrogation, and as a defense lawyer I can't believe he plead guilty to anything. Anyway, here is a comment I wrote after first hearing his humiliating press conference (before he resigned) where he stressed that he really is not gay, and never has been gay! Now, to justify this under a "systems thinking" blog entry, I submit that Senator Widestance's resignation today was due to the feedback he received from a number of information systems . . . .

And now, my version of the Craig press conference!

I'm not gay, have never been gay, and will never be gay. I wouldn't even know what the word "gay" means, except for the purpose of being against it.

Further, I do not know any gay people and don't want to know any gay people. Did I mention that I'm so not gay? In fact, just to show you how not gay I am, you know those magazine advertisements that show male models in their underwear? You know, those really buff guys in such masculine poses? Well I never look at those either. I look away if I open a magazine and one of those nasty, nasty boys is pictured there! And I don't save those pictures under a hidden shelf in my bathroom and I never will, I can promise you that!

I remember when a movie came out where Christopher Reeve kissed Michael Cain. I could not believe my ears, so I rented that movie and watched it 50 or 60 times it was so disgusting.

Especially in slo-mo.

Well, I hope my comments here today have made it clear how not gay I am. I just wanted my privacy and to be loved. Is that so wrong? (What's that? I said what? Oh. . for Pete's . . . ) To clarify, when I said I want to be loved, I meant by another man. WOMAN! I meant woman! Jesus, what is it with you people? I don't even know what I am saying! I don't want to be loved by another man. There are lots of reasons one man would need to have physical contact with another man he doesn't know in a public restroom. I could recite them now but I don't wanna.

Now if you don't mind, I would like some private time. Not with another man! Your minds are in the gutter! And Bill Clinton is still the true nasty boy! A great, big, naughty, nasty boy!

* I first heard Senator "Tappy McWidestance" on the Stephanie Miller Show on Air America.