Tuesday, August 28, 2007

New link - Systemsthinker.com

Click on the title of of this post and the link will take you to Systemsthinker.com; I learned of this site when Howard, who runs the Systemsthinker.com site, left a comment about my post on systems thinking in politics. I have looked his site over and enthusiastically recommend it! You will also find Systemsthinker.com in my list of links. Thanks again to Howard for his comment and visit to this blog!


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Anonymous said...

Heya! This is the third time visiting now and I personally
just wanted to say I truley relish looking through
your website. I decided to bookmark it at stumbleupon.com with the title:
Blogger: Living Systems Review and your Website address: http:
I hope this is ok with you, I'm making an attempt to give your excellent blog a bit more coverage. Be back shortly.

Look into my page; Continued