Thursday, October 25, 2007

Do Not Forget

The incompetence, corruption and malfeasance of the current evil-doers in the White House overwhelms with its sheer volume and variety. Republican spokes-criminals present this as if the White House was the victim - of unjustified Bush bashing.

On the contrary, the acts, decisions and policies of the Bush White House make more sense viewed in the context of Bush presidential history. We can now see patterns of poor judgment, patterns of eliminating dissent within the Executive Branch, patterns of incompetence, patterns of corruption, and most of all, patterns of cowardice. Cowards are not great leaders. George Bush and his thugs are all cowards. As president, perhaps one act of frozen cowardice was telling us more than we realized about the character of George AWOL Bush. This is as close as I could come to the full seven minutes of paralysis that revealed our president in a moment of genuine, ultimate crisis. The words that Bush heard from Andy Card were, "Mr. President, the nation is under attack." What would you do if you were the president in that situation?

When you click on the video below, give it a few moments while it signals you to enlarge it to full screen size. You don't have to; it will begin to play after a few seconds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.